Monday, October 19, 2009

My little 2 year old

It has been sometime and lots of things have happened since I last updated. My little man Carter turned 2 years old in September. It is hard to believe that he has gotten so big so fast. It seems like yesterday that he was born and just learning to crawl. Now he is a big talker and always on the move. He is Truly a boy!! He has more bumps and bruise than I have every seen and no matter how I try to get him to be careful he comes back with more. He loves his trains and tools. He is always outside hammering on a piece of wood. He is just like his daddy he wants to be outside all the time and always doing something.

We went for his 2 year appointment and he is grown so much. Carter is now 30lbs and 3 ft tall. So if he keeps growing so well he will be towering over his momma by middle school. We are working on potty training but all I can say is that he likes to pee outside and is to busy yet to stop and tell me he has to pee oh well they say boys are harder to train. Here are some pictures from his birthday party.

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