Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Great News

Well by now most everyone knows that Clark and I have exciting news. We are now at our 7th week of expecting our second child. Both Clark and I are thrilled about this news. We know that Carter doesn't understand but with time he will begin to see changes in mommy's belly. I have my first appointment with Dr. Stout December 2nd and can't wait. So far I am feeling pretty good. We both have our ideas and wishes on what this one will be, but will be thrilled either way as long as he or she is health. I look forward to sharing all our fun time as things progress with the pregnancy and with Carter as he gets bigger and smarter everyday.

Friday, November 7, 2008

My Scooby Doo

Although we never made it trick er treating being as my little man was not really feeling up to it (3 teeth in 1 week).We did dress up and take pictures. We Carved a pumpkin and thought that was way fun too. We enjoyed taking his lid off throwing it on the ground. Carter is way to busy to sit for too long but I have included some pictures for everyones enjoyment.