Thursday, May 14, 2009

30 weeks and counting

Well it has been awhile since I had a moment to sit down and write, but here we go. I just went to my 30week appointment and ultrasound and everything is great, Aiden is ahead of schedule by 2 to 3 days and is in the 50% for weight which is exactly were we want him. He is weighing in at the fighting weight of 3lbs 6oz and gaining steadily. I had my glucose tolerance test 2 weeks ago and passed that with flying colors. So now we are down to the home stretch. I have much to do to get things done before he comes. I need to paint his room and finish decorating it. We are going with a turtle theme in shades of green. I also want to be a little more prepared for Aiden by making and freezing dinners for the weeks to come after we get home from the hospital. (So any recipes for fast easy meal that can freeze will be great). Aiden is a busy boy and has fallen into a nice schedule of being awake and letting me know it and sleeping most of the night or atleast not waking me up at night which is very nice of him.

As for Carter my big boy, we are busy trying to get use to the little boy that never stops and wants to know about everything. It is a joy to hear him talk and learn new things. He is always asking what that is and once he learns a word it must be used a hundred times over in the first hour of learning it. I tell Clark just wait till all we hear is WHY. Carter loves to be outside in fact every morning when I go in his room to wake him up his first few words are Milk and Daddy outside. He wants to be outside and we have to fight him to come in and eat meal.

We are slowly working on potty training and can usually go 2hours without peeing in our big boy pants but still working on pooping in the potty. It is just amazing to me that my little baby boy is now 19months. It has been the best 19months of my life and can't wait to enjoy him more and start the same process over with Aiden's arrival in July.