Monday, October 19, 2009

Aiden is 2months

Just wanted to make sure I updated on Aiden too. My littlest man is getting so big so fast. Aiden went for his 2 month check up and first shots. He is 24 in long and 13.5lbs. The doctor says that he is eating really well. He is in the 75% in weight and 90% in height. For sure he will be taller than his momma. Aiden is a little talker always cooing and smiling at me. He gets tons of kisses from Carter. We are not sleeping thru the night yet but only waking for 1 feeding a night.
I am so proud of my little boys. He is constantly trying to roll over and his big brother cheers him on everytime. Here are pictures of Aiden.

My little 2 year old

It has been sometime and lots of things have happened since I last updated. My little man Carter turned 2 years old in September. It is hard to believe that he has gotten so big so fast. It seems like yesterday that he was born and just learning to crawl. Now he is a big talker and always on the move. He is Truly a boy!! He has more bumps and bruise than I have every seen and no matter how I try to get him to be careful he comes back with more. He loves his trains and tools. He is always outside hammering on a piece of wood. He is just like his daddy he wants to be outside all the time and always doing something.

We went for his 2 year appointment and he is grown so much. Carter is now 30lbs and 3 ft tall. So if he keeps growing so well he will be towering over his momma by middle school. We are working on potty training but all I can say is that he likes to pee outside and is to busy yet to stop and tell me he has to pee oh well they say boys are harder to train. Here are some pictures from his birthday party.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


I love giveaways especially now that I am unemployed so I want to tell everyone about it and about the wonderful children's stuff she make. She is a stay at home mom with 2 little one and still finds time to be creative and innovative as well. Check out her website and the wonderful give aways. You will love the wonderful things she has to offer.

Monday, August 10, 2009

3 Weeks Already!!

I can not believe that my little one Aiden is now 3 weeks old. He is doing wonderful and is a great addition to our family. Carter is still loving on him and still wants to hold him. Aiden is doing great with breastfeeding now if I could get him on some type of schedule that would be great but that will come with time. He is eating great and sleeping pretty good.

This past weekend Grandma came to visit and had a great time with Carter in the pool. Carter is truly my outside water baby.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Aiden Grant Patton is here!!

Aiden has made his entrance into this world and only an hour 23 minutes after his due date.

Aiden Grant Patton was born July 20th, 2009 at 1:23 am and weight 6lbs 11oz. and a whopping 22inches long. He was an easy delivery I had an epidural at 10:00pm and then started pushing at 1:00am and in less than 23 minutes he was with us. I had to take a break from pushing because we had to wait for the doctor to get there.

We have been home for a week now and it has been a joy to see my boys together. Carter loves his new baby brother and wants to hold him and kiss him. He is absolutely fascinated with Aiden eating which is funny.
Clark and I are so blessed to have 2 happy and healthy boys. Aiden went for his first check up and is gaining weight like a champ. He is now 7lbs 9oz.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

30 weeks and counting

Well it has been awhile since I had a moment to sit down and write, but here we go. I just went to my 30week appointment and ultrasound and everything is great, Aiden is ahead of schedule by 2 to 3 days and is in the 50% for weight which is exactly were we want him. He is weighing in at the fighting weight of 3lbs 6oz and gaining steadily. I had my glucose tolerance test 2 weeks ago and passed that with flying colors. So now we are down to the home stretch. I have much to do to get things done before he comes. I need to paint his room and finish decorating it. We are going with a turtle theme in shades of green. I also want to be a little more prepared for Aiden by making and freezing dinners for the weeks to come after we get home from the hospital. (So any recipes for fast easy meal that can freeze will be great). Aiden is a busy boy and has fallen into a nice schedule of being awake and letting me know it and sleeping most of the night or atleast not waking me up at night which is very nice of him.

As for Carter my big boy, we are busy trying to get use to the little boy that never stops and wants to know about everything. It is a joy to hear him talk and learn new things. He is always asking what that is and once he learns a word it must be used a hundred times over in the first hour of learning it. I tell Clark just wait till all we hear is WHY. Carter loves to be outside in fact every morning when I go in his room to wake him up his first few words are Milk and Daddy outside. He wants to be outside and we have to fight him to come in and eat meal.

We are slowly working on potty training and can usually go 2hours without peeing in our big boy pants but still working on pooping in the potty. It is just amazing to me that my little baby boy is now 19months. It has been the best 19months of my life and can't wait to enjoy him more and start the same process over with Aiden's arrival in July.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Carter's First BIG Snow!!

Carter had a great time with his first big snow. Here are some pictures of him in the snow.

Another Boy!!

Well it has been 2 weeks since we found out that we are having another little boy. I have been very busy trying to figure out what to do with his room and decide what to name him. We have decided that he will be named Aiden Grant and his nursery will be decorated in green with turtles.

The ultra sound went great and he has a heart beat of 156 and was about 8 inches long. He was stubborn like his mom and wanted nothing to do with posing for pictures so we didn't get great ones. He wanted to stay curled up and sleeping but did spread his leg enough to figure out he was all boy.

We are very excited and can't wait to meet the little guy. Here are some pictures of Aiden Grant Patton

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Ok so I know that it has been forever since I sat down and wrote, but in my defense I have had my hands full with a sick little boy and then I have been sick myself.

So forgive me if this is a long one! Christmas was great and Carter had a great time since he actually realized that the presents were for him to open and it was not just about the shinny colorful paper. He was a very happy little boy on Christmas morning. He got to open 1 present Christmas eve (family tradition PJ's) and then put those on for bed and wait till the next morning. Granny and Grandaddy Patton came over for Christmas morning to see what Santa left and then we went to Grandma Vertuno's and opened more present and had Christmas dinner with his Aunt Ashley and Uncle Jon and Uncle Ross.

Now to fill everyone in on 2009!!

It started out nice and quiet much like I like things. Then sickness came in waves 2 weeks ago Carter had bronchitis and when that was over he came down with a GI bug that he was nice enough to share with mommy. (lucky Daddy never got it). Then when we went to see the Doctor for the GI bug they found he had another ear infection with that. I am just wondering when will the sickness end.

We did go for his 15month check up and am happy to report that we are in the 75% in everything and had 3 shot (Carter was not very happy with them). We are talking alot even though I don't understand half of it. Our favorite words are "that" and "uh oh". We love the potty even though we have not actually used it yet. So maybe early potty training (everyone keep your fingers crossed).

I am now entering my 15week with Baby Patton#2 and am starting to feel better than I was. I can remember that when I was pregnant with Carter I never felt bad but this baby is a whole nother ball game. At 12 weeks I went for an Ultrasound for the NT Test and I am happy to say that everything is good with the Baby and I go back to see the Doctor this coming week. I can't wait to find out what this little one is and that will be in February. I will keep everyone posted.