Sunday, August 30, 2009


I love giveaways especially now that I am unemployed so I want to tell everyone about it and about the wonderful children's stuff she make. She is a stay at home mom with 2 little one and still finds time to be creative and innovative as well. Check out her website and the wonderful give aways. You will love the wonderful things she has to offer.

Monday, August 10, 2009

3 Weeks Already!!

I can not believe that my little one Aiden is now 3 weeks old. He is doing wonderful and is a great addition to our family. Carter is still loving on him and still wants to hold him. Aiden is doing great with breastfeeding now if I could get him on some type of schedule that would be great but that will come with time. He is eating great and sleeping pretty good.

This past weekend Grandma came to visit and had a great time with Carter in the pool. Carter is truly my outside water baby.